Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad is a STEM based, team competition where competitors from grades K-12 compete in Science based events. These events can range from physics based to biology based, with a lot of other topics in between.

I competed in it since 8th grade and have stuck around helping my state and alumni school. For the 2022 state tournament I was asked by the state director to write a test and proctor an event called Sounds of Music (like the movie). For this event competitors needed to have knowledge around the physics of sound and to create an instrument to play. To test these instruments I used a program made by the tournament officials that can be found here. Each of the instruments had to be pitched properly and play a chromatic scale of their choosing, and a small snippit of a song.

I think the hardest part of this was just relearning everything I learned in 2 years of highschool in a couple of weeks before the tournament. Luckily I had some friends that were helping at the tournament that I could consult with beforehand about how I should go about creating the test and also had some of them help out during the testing period.