Evan Tahara


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2024.

Interests: Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Game Development


Manoa ICStudy 2023

A website made for ICS students at UH Manoa to find time to study together.

Meteor React Web Development

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Jamba Juice Menu 2023

My first experience with classes and constructors in Javascript


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Science Olympiad 2022

My experience with Science Olympiad after high school.


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Video Editing 2019

I created and edited a video vlog for the first time.


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Spending A Lot Of Time

09 May 2023

I Took A $1000 College Class For Job Experience? This spring semester I decided to take a software engineering class (because it was a requirement). From this class I expected to simply learn more about engineering software and regurgitate information...

Software Engineering

Grounds for Common Ground

27 Apr 2023

What Are Design Patterns? I have no idea Which would be a very bad thing if I didn’t use these patterns every day of my life. This may be targeted more towards a software perspective but design patterns are used...

Javascript Software Engineering

One Pixel Off

23 Feb 2023

Why Won’t This Darn Thing Start? Whenever anyone talks about putting images on paper, I always think about when I had to add pictures into Google Docs. How easy it was to simply drag a picture on to my essay,...


Error: Title must match file name

08 Feb 2023

Capitalize the First Word, Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs When I think of errors, the first thing that comes to my head is that annoying red squiggly line that appeared in every single one of my Word documents as...


Engineering a Good Title

02 Feb 2023

First you take it, then you make it For every piece of food you’ve ate, someone had to make it. For every piece of clothes you wear, someone had to make it. For every piece of software you use, someone...

Software Engineering

help i have problem

25 Jan 2023

Some Questions Are Good Learning how to ask smart questions is an important skill to know in multiple professions, software engineering being one of them. Asking a smart question will usually lead to a smart answer, while a stupid question...


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